Key Person Insurance Explained: Protecting Your Business’s Future

Who is Considered a Key Person?

A key person refers to an individual within a business who holds crucial skills, knowledge, management expertise, or leadership qualities that are vital to the ongoing success of the company. This can include top-tier management, company directors, sales directors, CEOs, or business partners. Losing a key person could have serious impacts on the business, such as a fall in profits, loss of customers or contacts, or the inability to continue trading or repay outstanding debts.

What is Key Person Insurance?

Key person insurance is a type of life insurance taken out by a company to protect against the financial losses that may occur due to the sudden death or serious illness of a key employee. In the event of such an occurrence, the company receives a lump sum payment that can be used for various purposes, such as repaying loans or recruiting a suitable replacement. This policy serves as a safeguard for the company’s interests and is not the key person’s personal insurance cover. There is no limit to the number of key employees who can be covered, but the policy cost increases with the age of the key person.

Key Person Insurance for Businesses of All Sizes

Key person insurance is not limited to large corporations; it is also essential for small-scale businesses. Protecting your business’s future requires identifying key individuals and taking proactive steps to ensure their financial protection. By partnering with Ezfees Financial, you gain access to expert advice and guidance on key person insurance tailored to your unique business needs.

Ezfees Financial – Mortgage & Life Broker Options

At Ezfees Financial, we prioritize helping you achieve your financial dreams, whether it’s securing your home, protecting your family, or safeguarding your business. Our dedicated advisors provide easy-to-understand financial advice, ensuring a smooth path to long-term financial security. Contact us today at 0818 910800 or email your query to for guidance, advice, and peace of mind.


Understanding the significance of key person insurance is crucial for protecting your business’s financial stability. With Ezfees Financial, you can navigate the complexities of key person insurance and receive expert guidance tailored to your business’s needs. Contact us today to secure your business’s future and gain peace of mind.

Business Owner Consultation

Your business is your baby, so it deserves protection. Our team of experts will guide you through informed decisions to provide tailored policies. Shield your business against unexpected setbacks and ensure stability, whether you’re a startup or an established corporation. We’ll create a financial plan that will guide the balance of your personal finances and your long-term business goals.

What’s in this for you? Discuss your business finances in confidence with trustworthy advisors to:
1) Create a money management plan to suit your business
2) Align your business and personal objectives
3) Get clarity and validation on your strategies from dedicated Financial Advisors committed to safeguarding your business finances
4) Be advised when you need to speak to Tax Advisors where relevant
5) Obtain guidance onto Owner/Director on Pension planning and legislation
6) Referral to a Life/Business Coach where relevant

Plan for your business’s long-term financial goals:
1. Share your goals with us
2. Create a plan!
3. Gather and submit your information
4. Safeguard your business and your future

Investment Consultation

With low deposit rates and high inflation rates, savings and investment plans are appealing right now. We understand what it’s like to make sacrifices to accelerate your savings goals so you can achieve your dreams. That’s why we provide expert guidance so you can take charge of your future without sacrificing your valuable time.

What’s in this for you? Why you should consider savings and investment plans?
1) The potential for higher returns
2) Flexibility in the amount you save
3) Short, medium and long term options to suit your goals, amounts and terms to save
4) Investment options appropriate to suit your needs and goals

How you can save to secure your dreams:
1. Share your goals with us
2. Create a plan!
3. Gather and submit your information
4. Make your Dreams a reality

Mortgage Consultation

Whether you are a first-time buyer, mover, switcher or looking to invest in a rental property, we have a mortgage solution to fit your unique situation. Over 60 and looking to release equity in your home to support your children, go on that dream holiday or pay off bills? We find the mortgage most suitable for you and your family’s needs and support you through the entire process. You’re guaranteed to find the best mortgage option for your financial needs and goals, with impartial advice and competitive rates.

Clear, simple, actionable advice for all your mortgage needs:
1) First time buyers
2) First Home Scheme/ Local Affordable Authority Scheme
3) Switchers
4) Home Movers
5) Investment Property
6) Self Employed
7) Contract Workers
9) Lifetime Loan (over 60’s equity release)

How you can get started:
1. Share your journey with us
2. Create a plan!
3. Gather and submit your information
4. Make your Dreams a reality

Financial Planning Consultation

Secure your future and that of your loved ones beyond homeownership with life assurance, income protection and pension advice. Whatever your stage of life or money situation, our team of experts will help you make informed decisions to safeguard your financial future.

What’s in this for you? Planning your future, helps make your dreams a reality:
1) Start by creating a money management plan
2) Work with our dedicated Financial Advisors committed to safeguarding your future
3) Helping you get the guidance you need to achieve your long-term financial goals

Safeguard your financial future today:
1. Share your goals with us
2. Create a plan!
3. Gather and submit your information
4. Safeguard your Financial Future